Restoring Devon’s History
since 1973
Preserving the buildings of Devon for the people of Devon
about us
The Devon Historic Buildings Trust was formed in 1973 as a joint initiative with Devon’s Conservation Forum and Devon County Council for the benefit of the people of Devon and the nation at large, to ensure a future for historic buildings and structures of particular architectural, historical or constructional interest.
Over the last 43 years the Trust has acquired buildings of particular merit that might have otherwise been demolished or allowed to collapse, and restored them for appropriate uses of today. Proceeds from this work were then available for further acquisition and restoration. Over the years the continuing support from grant funds, supplemented by private and commercial donations and with careful stewardship, the Trust continues with its work.
DHBT is an independent body and consists of 8 to 21 trustees who hold board meetings 4 times a year and the trustees elect their own chairman. DHBT is a registered charity and a company limited by guarantee.
The Trust consists of:
– up to 19 experts, ranging from construction engineers to architects to experts in conservation to others who simply have a passion for historic buildings bringing together a considerable knowledge about the conservation of our historic built heritage.
– up to 2 elected councillors nominated by Devon County Council.
our portfolio

Leaving a gift to DHBT in your Will, can not only give you profound satisfaction that your support will maintain our heritage for future generations, but can also make the burden of inheritance tax lighter.

We’re a charity and if you pay Gift Aid and are a UK taxpayer, we can reclaim 25p for every £1 you give us.
Donate by BACS
Our Name: DHBT
Sort Code 30-80-37
Account 74213868
Bank: Lloyds bank High Street Exeter

If you have a passion for historic building or have personal skills that would be valuable to the trust.
Volunteers Needed for Haldon Belvedere
We are always looking for willing volunteers to give up their time on Summer afternoons between Easter and the end of September to showcase the beautiful building. Simply fill out the form to get started.
DHBT sees projects in their infancy, however, some never come to fruition, but we hope that our input has gone someway to help save these buildings for future generations.
DHBT is happy to talk to anybody who is aware of a building or structure which is in distress.